Monday 1 February 2016

Further Development

Last weekend I was in the studio further developing my most recent pieces of work, the ones I spoke about in my last post. 

I have been playing around with some new (to me!) processes. I have included some of my original photographs by printing them onto fabric through my home printer. I was very intrigued to see how they would turn out and how they would incorporate into my work. Overall I am pleased with the outcomes. 

I have extended the photograph with my stitch to blend it into the background. The piece as a whole still needs more work and is not yet finished, but I am pleased with the direction it is heading. 

I have been more subtle with my stitch in this second piece. Again I have extended the photograph with my stitch, but it is far more spread out and new shapes have emerged from its growth. This piece also still need work, it doesn't feel quite finished to me yet. 

I will sit and look at these works in progress for a while and work out what they 'need' to be finished. Meanwhile, I have an idea which is evolving from my recent Isle of Wight trip. As usual, I will keep you posted. 

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