Tuesday, 12 January 2016

New Year, New Focus

Over the last couple of months the focus of my work has changed. I have been honing my freehand machine embroidery skills to create more 'drawn' stitch pieces. 

I have also become very concerned with the reuse and recycling of fabric and other ephemera. This has resulted in me becoming very thrifty with fabric scraps. I have patch worked them together to create my canvas before embroidering on top. I am pleased with the current results, but they are still works in progress. 

I dyed some of the fabric myself using natural rusting techniques. This is something else I am looking at doing more of, natural dyes and processes. 

I have also incorporated quotes into my work. This is something I have been hoping to do for a while. I have a keen interest in poetry and I wanted to include something inspirational in my work. I look forward to seeing how they evolve. 

My final focus is to update my blog more often. I look forward to keeping you informed of my work in progress.